
Alachua Audubon is an all-volunteer organization. Your membership and contributions help us continue and expand our work of providing education and outreach about birds and birding and supporting local conservation efforts. We also support a high-school scholarship program, college internship program, a library “backpack for birding” lending program, youth education, and many other education and outreach efforts. Read about our many activities here on our website and in our newsletter, The Crane.

Some of the benefits of membership:

  • Bi-monthly Newsletter – as a member, you will receive an email when new issues are posted on the AAS web site
  • Expert-led field trips to local and distant habitats
  • Evening programs with guest speakers
  • Community involvement; conservation advocacy
  • Meeting friendly people, representing both beginning and experienced birders

Join or renew your membership with PayPal or a credit card or mail a check. Just follow the instructions below:

Choose your Membership Level

You can also join by mailing a check:

1) Download this membership form.

2) Print, fill in, and check the level of membership desired. 

3) Enclose your check made out to AAS and mail the application to the following address:

AAS Membership
P. O. Box 140464
Gainesville, FL 32614-0464

If you have any questions, email Karen Brown at

You may also join Audubon on a National level by following this link.

Your introductory ($20) membership will be applied to our local chapter and you will receive:

  • Annual membership with the National Audubon Society as well as Audubon Florida and Alachua Audubon Society
  • One-year subscription to Audubon Florida’s Naturalist Magazine
  • One-year subscription to Audubon Magazine
  • One-year subscription to The Crane, Alachua Audubon Society’s newsletter.

Donations are welcomed. Visit our donation page here.

Alachua Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

A copy of our official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) or visiting the department’s website at The state registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.