Snail Kite returns on Sunday afternoon

Mike Manetz and I got to the Snail Kite location around 10:15 or 10:30 this morning, only to be told that it had flown down the southern “moat” to the west. We walked down that way as fast as we could, and Mike saw a bird with white rump and bowed wings disappearing over the willows to the southwest. We spent the next three hours standing around waiting for it to come back. We left around 1:30, meeting Jonathan Mays, who was just arriving, on our way out. Jonathan emailed at 5:00 to tell me that he was just leaving Sweetwater without having seen the kite. So it was gone most of the day.

But at 5:30 I heard from both Glenn Israel and Sidney Wade that the bird was back at the eastern end of Cell 3, the point farthest from the entrance. So you’ve still got a couple of hours of daylight to see it.

Here’s one of Lloyd Davis’s photos from this morning: